Business systems - Sunshine Coast

You can create sustainable change with your small business and/or project. We help you to start.

You can create sustainable change with your small business and/or project. We help you to start.

Hello beautiful! We are so happy that you landed on this blog post. This means that you are asking yourself how you can create sustainable change in things that matter to you with your small business and/ or project. And that is amazing, congratulations legend. We are proud of you.

Let’s start from the beginning. We believe (and we see it every day) that there is a simple universal law that governs the world of business: how you help people will determine your growth. 

In the modern and occidental world, the concept of a business is seen as something external to the person, something that the individual does in order to make money and earn a living. But that is not always the case, right?

We and the people we work with, see business as an expression of our souls. And this is where you should put your energy first, in order to create a successful and heart-centred business. 

Who do you want to help? Why? What change do you want to see in the world? And why is that aligned with you?

Once you find those answers, you will also find your business mission.

You can create change in your community and in the world through every area of your business. 

Let’s say you are building, for example, a home decor business or a recruitment business. 

On the one hand, you can create sustainable change by doing what you do and offering to others. This could be by creating beautiful spaces of clean energy and harmony that help people to live in a balanced environment or by finding meaningful job opportunities that help people to get a new career path aligned with who they want to be.

On the other hand, and this is usually the bit that some business owners miss, the communication of what you do and offer and the change that this can create is equally important.

Your communication strategy, your website content, your social media messages and e-mail campaigns, are essential components and actions that will help you achieve your mission.

Let’s continue with the same examples. You could “limit” your mission to create beautiful spaces for people or extend it to:

  • Social Media Strategy with strong messages that inspire and educate people on how to clean the energy of their houses and/or offices, why is it important and the benefits of it. Creating an online community by sharing and inspiring others in re-using and up-cycling objects and materials, avoiding plastics and choosing minimalism.

  • Having a Website where people can find resources and blog posts about your passion: feng shui, energy, recycling, etc.

  • E-mail marketing campaigns or newsletters that give your community free resources of inspiration, knowledge and more.

Why your business needs a system

To be able to focus on your mission and on that progression and change you want to see in your community, as every business owner, you need to be sure that the solid foundations of your business are running well and smoothly. Having a business system is your answer.

What a sexy system looks like:

  • People can find the answers to their questions on your website easily, without needing to contact you all the time. 

  • You have a Shopify platform that tracks and updates your stock.

  • Your Social Media platforms show who you are, what you do and what you offer, and direct people to your website.

  • Your customer journey is powered by e-mail flows. 

Business systems work with digital platforms

Business systems are formed by integrated elements that work together as a whole. Your mission is at the centre of your system and also represents the ultimate goal. All the elements are connected and supported by digital platforms (link to blog post) and of course, people. 

About Love Loop

Love Loop creates, integrates and manages systems that bring growth to businesses. 

Creating and integrating systems enables you to showcase the heart and soul of your business, along with its scalability and growth. Just like a car and its gears, a successful business is built by single components all working together as one system.

Schedule a free connection call to find out more. Can’t wait to hear from you!

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