Gemini Season

Gemini Season

"The left side of our blog post is completely missing but it's all right now." 

Read time: 10-12 minutes

Welcome to our hive. With each astro sun sign transit, we will be exploring with you how best to move forward within your business and share tools and our learnings with you along the way. 



Navigating these Astrological peaks in energy and transits can be made easier with intention setting, setting reminders on your phone/calendar, and creating a workflow that honours the planets and their transits.

If all this excites, yet slightly overwhelms you, It's ok, we got you! We offer astrology mentoring and coaching in business as a service on our website. We can help you create a daily, weekly, or monthly workflow that honours your workspace, using your businesses natal chart to better help you understand and  honour its unique energy and what influences to keep a specific eye on. We have created a FREE downloadable PDF guide to creating a weekly flow that aligns with the planets. The perfect way to get you started! You can find this here.

After the lazy, sensual grounded energy of Taurus season, Gemini season arrives with an energy that’s sharper, less solid, and more diffused. Gemini season is a time for fresh air and sparkling light, for ideas and conversation.

This month in Business is a good time to switch things up!

Review how you're showing up in the workplace and how your brand is expressing itself.

What can be done differently?

Are you showing up authentically?

Where can you be more spontaneous?

During this time you can break old stagnant patterns. Maybe you have some limiting beliefs about money? Or a fear of social media? Do you need to be more brand-specific? Maybe you need to invest more time into personal development and/or business training and coaching. Learn something new!

The downside to this, of course, is that while Gemini’s hunger for a broad range of knowledge and experience can be intellectually exhilarating, it can sometimes feel like a frustrating lack of focus.

During this season, your attention will likely be more scattered than usual. But this doesn’t have to be a bad thing! The universe will reward you for embracing your curiosity. The challenge is always staying grounded during this period.

This month transits to be aware of and moon cycles to prepare for:

Coming off the back of a New Moon in Gemini on May 30th, on June 3rd Mercury Turns Direct in Taurus. June 3rd brings us the end of Mercury Retrograde! With Mercury direct again, the flow of information increases in speed. Communication becomes easier, and we find fewer hurdles blocking us from navigating business connections, romantic relationships, and everything in between.

June 4th - Saturn Turns Retrograde in Aquarius

This Retrograde cycle lasts approximately 4.5 months.

During Saturn’s annual retrograde, we are presented with the opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months of Business. Saturn rules over lessons, discipline, and hard-won wisdom, meaning that these will be major themes coming up for review.

Let us also note that Saturn is a karmic planet. While retrograde, it symbolises a phase of karmic rebalancing. The ways in which we have hurt others, or in which we ourselves have been hurt, will rise to the surface and ask to be acknowledged.

Ultimately, this retrograde offers the opportunity to try a different approach, take a new direction, or retrace our steps. We can do this most harmoniously through the lens of career, business, long-term goals, and responsibilities.


June 13th - Mercury Enters Gemini

Due to its retrograde, Mercury will spend some extra time in Gemini this year. During this retrograde, Mercury retreated to Taurus, but now returns to Gemini on June 13th, where it will stay until July 5th.

In Gemini, Mercury is even more fast-paced and curious than usual. It is a quick study but can be prone to abandoning endeavours when the going gets tough. While Mercury is in Gemini, we need to remember to see things through and practice endurance.

Many things will pull at our attention; choose carefully and with intention where you want to focus.

June 14th - Full Moon in Sagittarius

During the days surrounding this lunation, we possess a profound need to search for something. A mission, quest, or guiding philosophy will help you to feel secure in yourself and your life. Ultimately, this is a time for exploring that which gives your life mission and conscious business meaning.

Under this lunation’s influence, we become more aware of what has been missing in our business, especially as it relates to travel, adventure, soul growth, and higher learning.

Highlighting the polarity between Gemini’s “lower mind” (pertaining to communication, day-to-day thought, and playful curiosity) and Sagittarius’ “higher mind” (pertaining to spiritual reflection, ancient wisdom, and the pursuit of enlightenment).

While the Gemini Sun encourages logical thinking, the Sagittarius Moon asks us to intuit our way through the philosophical side of the business. Gemini is more comfortable with the immediate environment; Sagittarius longs for the quest for meaning and cannot be fulfilled without continual expansion. We cannot neglect either end of the axis. A balance must be struck between both ends of the spectrum if we are to live in harmony and maximise our potential.

This month we're encouraging you to revisit your branding and marketing strategies. As the flavour of this month is all about communicating clearly, ask yourself:

Is my Business clearly communicating what we do?

Is it clear and on-brand?

Do you have marketing strategies that speak directly to your ideal client or customer?

Do you need some guidance? - Niki our Email Marketing bee can help you create clear pathways to your website and services. Honouring your business, speaking directly to your tribe.



As we've pointed out, this month will be exciting and a little ungrounding if you're not careful. Don't be afraid to ask for help or seek assistance from a professional. We offer a range of different coaching packages that will keep you moving forward and in alignment with the energy.

Coaching allows us to unlock a person's potential within their business to maximise their own unique performance. We empower you to learn and grow within your own field rather than just teaching you. Love Loop coaching invites love and expertise into your business by creating solutions to existing issues to developing a business as a whole.

On our website, we have packages that consist of general coaching, targeting consulting and advanced coaching.



The identity of your business is how your customer's connect with you and your vision. When this is organised, congruent, and visually appealing, it becomes easier for people to recognise you, connect to and fall in love with your brand. Once we have been through the onboarding process with you, we feel immersed in and deeply connected to your vision of your brand (and it feels amazing). We are then able to use this understanding to align that vision into your websites, email flows, marketing and social media services.

One of our very favourite services is our brand photo shoots. In conjunction with incredible Sunshine Coast Photographers, we plan, design, organise and orchestrate brand shoots to capture the vision of your brand. It's such a fun experience and gives all of us more opportunity to get to know each other and your brand.

This month we had another photoshoot with 'Frankie Hall Photography' with our team and the photos are absolutely beautiful.



For some people websites can feel overwhelming and understandably so. They can feel quite tricky to navigate. It is so important to create a website that honours your brand. When we create websites for clients, we are fully immersed in your vision and that is beautifully translated through your website. Understanding your business's foundation allows us to create a unique flow within your page, allows  an ease of operation for the viewer.

This month we have been busy creating websites for conscious local business's.

Each of the onboarding sessions have been so unique and humbling. For us, the process of seeing and feeling someone's vision come to life has been so fulfilling and we are super excited to share it with you. Getting to know the foundation of these brands has been a huge privilege for our team.

  1. Made with Love Ceramics - Sunshine Coast 

  2. Rewild - North Brisbane

  3. Chrysalis Tattoo Alchemy - Sunshine Coast

  4. No Matter Watt - Adelaide

  5. Honey Dance Studio - Sunshine Coast 

Keep an eye on our social media for sneak previews and launches of these amazing brands over the next couple of months. 

Our tailored packs are a beautiful opportunity for us to co-create together and really understand what it is that your brand requires for progression. If your’e unsure on what you may need to move forward, book a free consultation with the Love Loop team and have a package tailored to the unique needs of your business.


Social Media

At the start of the month, our social media team Rhiana and Aaria completed an overall review of our social media accounts. An initial report is a complete analysis of your social media platforms from a business perspective. By changing our structure and flow, our social media engagement is up +1,469% WOW! That's evidence based results. We are revamping our "Highlights" on our instagram also, and we are looking forward to this space evolving!


Client Spotlight 

Our client spotlight this month is the beautiful Rachel from Chrysalis Tattoo Alchemy. Rachel is an intuitive tattoo artist and medicine woman, based in Maleny on the Sunshine Coast hinterland. She offers tattooing, energy healings, online courses and many other modalities from her sacred work space.

Rach and Emma have known each other for over 6 years, and in this time they have worked together at Fox and Moon tattoo studio.

We asked Emma what is one of your most memorable moments with Rachel? "Travelling to Peru together in 2019/2020". Going overseas with Rachel was such an incredible experience. We have shared so many learnings and lessons within our friendship. It has been so magical to grow together and I know in the future we will facilitate retreats and workshops together."

Rachel onboarded with us this month for a brand kit, website build and social media services. It has been an absolute honour co-creating with Rachel, and we can't wait to launch her website this month.



Self Development

One of our highest values is self development. Every month as a collective we choose a book to listen to or read. Coming together and consciously working and educating ourselves on the same book is a really beautiful way to connect. We share our experiences and exchange questions and conversations about our learnings. 

The book we are reading this month is EQ applied by Justin Bariso. EQ Applied is a real world guide to emotional intelligence. Justin outlines how to make emotions work for you instead of against you. Such a gemini season book!



Fun Fact

We love finding out interesting and intriguing fun facts! So each month we are going to share with you a fact we have learnt as we have transitioned through this season.

Did you know........ Our universe contains at least 70 septillion stars! Thats 23 zero's after 7. That's a lot of stars! 

And that’s a wrap! Join us next month for a super exciting month ahead.

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